Jumat, 23 Juli 2010



01. The origins
Komodo dragon are the largest lizard in the world. They are typed of monitor Lizard of Varanidae family. Komodo Dragon one of oldest living Lizard lived since 50 million years ago. Scientist believe that komodo dragon can live up to 50 year, may be more. It may have descended from the larger lizard from Java or Australia(Megalania Prisca) which existed 30 000 years ago. Some theory said dragon could be from Asia or Australia. One said that the dragon  island-hoped from jawa to Komodo. Another theory is that they swam from Australia to Timor until they reached Flores and Komodo.

02. basic facts.
Komodo dragon remain large, because there are no other large predator to compete with. The largest recorded komodo dragon length is 3.33 m( 10 feed 2 inches) and measured weighed 165,9 kg (365 pounds) large dragon usully weigh up to90 kg. Actually female komodo dragon rarely grow over 2,5 m(7 feed 6 inches). It is hard to tell the difference between male and female dragon. However, males have special scale pattern at the base of their tail. Generally, male grow larger than female

When frightened, komodo dragon can run upto 18 km/h for a short distance. Usually, they run at slow trot of 8-10 km/h. komodo can swim at least 500 m. however, they become sluggish in the water because the water cools their body temperature down. The komodo dragon are constanly regulating theyr body temperature. In the early morning, they must warm up their bodies in the sun. if their temperature drop too low, the food in their stomach can rot nad cause regurgitationor even teath. However, the komodo dragons body temperature must not exceed 42 degrees celcius (108 degrees Fahrenheit.. when it is too hot, they must rest and seek shade to prevent their body from over heating. That’s why komodo dragon just lying there.

Actually they are most active from 6-10 am in the morning and again from 3-5 pm in the afternoon. During the rainy season, komodo dragon stay in burrows if they are too cold. In the night they sleep because it is usually too cool for them to be active. The komodo always sleep where they do not loose to much heat. They sleep at the edge of the savanna, and moosoon forest or in the burrows. The average sleeping burrows of rodents, palm civet, wild boar, and porcupine,  those made by other komodo. Nesting burrows are 2 m long.

Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

Komodo Dragon is the Big lizard that still live from the the ancient species. They are typed of monitor lizard of varanidae family. The Komodo is long lived with an estimated life about 50 year in wild. Komodo just found in komodo island and some island soruonded. Komodo island is located in East Nusa tenggara provinve of indonesian(east part of indonesia). Between of flores and sumbawa island

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